This declaration of data privacy guarantee applies to specifically and exclusively in the service of ICA (Film and Audiovisual Institute).

The Internet is a fabulous tool. Every day we become more aware of its growing importance in our life. A simple mouse click in our computer and the world is at our feet. People come together, experiences spread faster. Today's society is evolving at a galloping rate.

For all these reasons, and in order for everyone to put more trust in this medium, it is important for ICA that all users of its services and webpage visitors have their data privacy guaranteed.

When we ask for your name, address, telephone number, qualifications, and other informations, we aim to maintain a closer relationship with our users. With your registration, we begin to treat you by your name, we are closer to you and we can respond to your needs or requests more efficiently.

If for some reason, ICA feels the need to update its privacy policy, you will be the first one to know.
ICA guarantees that this information WILL NOT be used in any list for promotional purposes via e-mail or telephone, nor by any other organisation or company. ICA is committed to protecting your privacy and will make a great effort to ensure that the  technology used is effective enough to make your online experience every day more secure and your Web relationships increasingly strengthened.

Should you have any questions regarding this commitment, do not hesitate do contact us.

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